Tag: trump

  • Will ‘THE GODFATHER’ Be Remade With Donald Trump, Jr. As ‘Fredo?’

    Will ‘THE GODFATHER’ Be Remade With Donald Trump, Jr. As ‘Fredo?’

    Alleged rumors have recently been floating around Gollywood that a notable Italian/vineyard owning producer/ director could be interested in recreating a new chapter in The Godfather series, with a Russian storyline. It seems like a new ‘Fredo’ has emerged in the Washington D.C. White House ….Donald Trump Jr. …The ‘Baby Don.’ The New York Times…

  • Donald Trump Jr. Gets ‘Catfished’ By Russian Operative. To Star in MTV Reality Show.

    Donald Trump Jr. Gets ‘Catfished’ By Russian Operative. To Star in MTV Reality Show.

    In an unbelievable weekend of political fishing action, Donald Trump, Jr. gets ‘catfished’ by Vladimir Putin with a tasty morsel of Russian caviar eggs as bait. In a rare moment of transparency the ugly political underbelly of the Republicans was exposed by the president’s eldest and namesake son Donald Trump Junior this week. I kind…

  • Donald Trump Unveils New Hair Style And Fashion Line

    Donald Trump Unveils New Hair Style And Fashion Line

    On the eve of Donald Trump’s Presidential Inauguration, President Elect Donald Trump has chosen to go bold and unveil his surprising new hair style and fashion line. Seen in photos taken during practice this morning in Washington DC, are The Donald’s new hair style and flamboyant new fashion line. His bold choice of fashion has…

  • Trump Orders His Balloon To Front Of Macy’s Parade …And New York Will Pay For It!

    Trump Orders His Balloon To Front Of Macy’s Parade …And New York Will Pay For It!

    Donald Trump has started a new controversy today, by elbowing his way to place his unauthorized Trump balloon to lead the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. As New Yorkers, television viewers and stunned NBC executives found out this Thanksgiving morning, Donald Trump issued a Presidential Executive Order to replace the Felix The Cat balloon, with his…

  • Rage Against The Machine! Trump Wins USA Presidential Election.

    Rage Against The Machine! Trump Wins USA Presidential Election.

    This week, the most surprising Presidential election in history took place. Tuesday the citizens of the United States voted celebrity real estate developer Donald Trump to be the next President of The United States. Trump shocked America and Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton in a landslide. The “Silent Majority” of rural American came out to vote…